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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Final Work

This is my final work of art. I made a gif for it with a bluebird flying across the screen, but the image was too big to save it, so I had to deal with making a PNG instead. This project took a lot of work. I will describe what I did in a list.

1. I made Tod, the red fox to the right, in Illustrator. I took a picture of him and traced over it with Illustrator tools. This took a while.

2. I put a picture of Spyro to the left of the drawing. I tried to give him a shadow, but when I merged the layers of the image, it gave everything a shadow, and that did not look right. So I deleted the shadow.

3. I found a picture of a brick wall for the image background. I did this because I was inspired by the shadow of a bird in flight I saw on a brick wall I was passing a few days ago.

4. I have been getting a LOT closer to Jesus lately, and so I wanted to add the word, "Jesus". I started by painting the word on the wall in white. Once I did this, for some reason I had a desire to add green to the image. So, I outlined some parts of the words in green. Then, I outlined them all in blue and the above look was the effect.

5. I wanted to put a book on the image. I don't know why I wanted to, but I did. So, I found a picture of a blank book online, then had an idea. I wanted to make the book written in, like a child's journal. This was because the Bible says, basically that if any do not become like little children, they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (children are completely dependent on their parents). So, I drew and wrote like a child to make it look like a child's thoughts.

6. I added a dead tree on one side, and faced it toward the word Jesus. Then, I added hearts to express my love for Jesus.

7. I also added lighting and a clipart of a Christian family to represent my family.

 :) :) :)

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