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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Final Work gif

I found a way to resize the gif! So here is the complete final. :) God Bless you!

The Final Work

This is my final work of art. I made a gif for it with a bluebird flying across the screen, but the image was too big to save it, so I had to deal with making a PNG instead. This project took a lot of work. I will describe what I did in a list.

1. I made Tod, the red fox to the right, in Illustrator. I took a picture of him and traced over it with Illustrator tools. This took a while.

2. I put a picture of Spyro to the left of the drawing. I tried to give him a shadow, but when I merged the layers of the image, it gave everything a shadow, and that did not look right. So I deleted the shadow.

3. I found a picture of a brick wall for the image background. I did this because I was inspired by the shadow of a bird in flight I saw on a brick wall I was passing a few days ago.

4. I have been getting a LOT closer to Jesus lately, and so I wanted to add the word, "Jesus". I started by painting the word on the wall in white. Once I did this, for some reason I had a desire to add green to the image. So, I outlined some parts of the words in green. Then, I outlined them all in blue and the above look was the effect.

5. I wanted to put a book on the image. I don't know why I wanted to, but I did. So, I found a picture of a blank book online, then had an idea. I wanted to make the book written in, like a child's journal. This was because the Bible says, basically that if any do not become like little children, they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (children are completely dependent on their parents). So, I drew and wrote like a child to make it look like a child's thoughts.

6. I added a dead tree on one side, and faced it toward the word Jesus. Then, I added hearts to express my love for Jesus.

7. I also added lighting and a clipart of a Christian family to represent my family.

 :) :) :)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Liquify - Just for Fun

Looks like a cat, correct? It is a cat - now. I took a picture of Tod the fox from The Fox and the Hound, then began using the liquify tool in Photoshop. I first just played around with causing Tod to be bloated, to be swirled, or to shrink. Then, I started using the warp tool. At first I was still just playing around and swirling the image, but then, once the black in the image started to separate from the red-orange, I had an idea. I started warping the colors into a shape. It started looking kind of like a cat, so that is what I made it. With the brush size at 100, I made the head and the body. As I started to make the feet, that got difficult to do, so I reduced the size to around 16. With this, I made the feet and smoothed out other parts of the image.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Honey Bee gif

This is my third gif made in Photoshop. I was allowed to incorporate only certain items in a folder, and I chose to incorporate a honey bee and a radio. The honey bee initially proposed a problem: It was realistic, and therefore hard to animate. So, using Illustrator, I recreated the bee and animated it using that. When I made the bee fly, I had to separate the wings from the body on a separate layer and rotate them. Then, I went back and merged the wings. After the bee was shocked, the gif seemed very empty, since it did not have a background. Therefore, I went and added a honey colored background under the bee and behind the radio. I also added shadows for realism and a brown ledge for the radio to sit on. All in all, this was a very enjoyable gif to make.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Weekly "sketch" - Frifere, the Hummingbird

This is my second gif to have ever made in Photoshop. Like the fox from before, I used illustrator to draw the bird, being sure to drop the stroke entirely. Then, I put it in Photoshop and started to animate it. All I did was use layers to place wings over the body after editing each, and move the body one to three places up or down. It is a very simple gif, and did not take much work. It was still very fun for me though!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Winter Wonderland

This is a submission for a contest. I was required to implement "fine art emblems" such as dance, art, theater, choir, and band. I was also required to use an eye-catching, creative font. I tried to implement dance with using the dancing reindeer, art by the painting of a Christmas tree on the wall of the stage, the theater by making the events take place in a theater, choir through the singing mice in the foreground, and band through the angels playing trumpets at the back on the stage. This (minus font) was originally done in pencil, but I edited it in Photoshop, Paint, and Corel Paint. Photoshop was used to trace the stage, characters, and background, and for the font. Paint was used to make more space for the font, and Corel was used to add additional embellishment. All in all, not a great piece, but I tried my hardest.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Weekly "Sketch" - Hoaxes are Easy, so Don't be too Breezy

How To Make a UFO Hoax Using Photoshop This is a link to an article explaining how to make a UFO hoax in Photoshop. It shows how easy it is with a tool like Photoshop to fake something, whether that be UFOs, cryptid creatures, or something as common as dogs and cats. This shows an older version of Photoshop being used than what I have, but there are still easy ways to make hoaxes with the new version. My purposes for posting this link were to show how simple and easy Photoshop is to use for putting images together (kinda glorifying it), and to show that one who might look into Cryptozoology, or one who searches for alien space crafts, needs to be aware that hoaxes are easy to make. This is certainly not to say all the cryptid things claimed to exist do not exist, but is to say that one must be critical when he finds images related to supposed "cryptids", for hoaxes can be extremely easy for someone to make.