In the midst of trouble, I will be delivered.
In the midst of trouble, through every endeavor,
I will be delivered.
When mountains fall,
and the brave all stall,
when the floods come crashing down,
and the plagues come to every town;
when the darkness reigns,
and I am in chains;
I will always be delivered.
For there is One Who is greater
Than all of these things;
for there is One Who loves me,
to Whom my heart sings,
and He will deliver me.
He will always deliver me.
He is a shield to those,
who He rose;
He is the Protector of all,
who trust in Him.
He will never let His children fall,
we trust in Him.
We will be safe...
we will always be safe.
This is why I Love Him,
He has saved me.
This is why I Love Him,
He has Loved me.
He Loves you,
He wants to protect you.
Go to Him.
He can save you from your sin.
Let Him heal you,
for He is true.
The poetry above summarizes why I created this piece. I created this to remind everyone that sorrow is only for a moment, for those who live for the Lord and Jesus Christ. I sometimes find myself terrified of the whole world, of everything around me, and I will remind myself that Jesus is always with me, and sorrow will not win.
This piece was done in Photoshop... I drew the background to have the shadows of three different creatures who are endangering the one in the center, which is sorrowful, even though there are reminders all around it that there is no need for sorrow, for sorrow cannot win. The creature is sad because it is scared, though it need not be, just as followers of Christ do not need to. I made the text out of the line tool to give it the feel that it was written on the wall. The creature is neon green so that it stands out, just like the "t" in "the" is made white to appear to be glowing, for it is a Cross, and is giving light, just as what the Cross symbolizes (Jesus's death and Resurrection to free us from our sin) gives Light. The word joy is also glowing to emphasize the fact that joy will come, after all of this is over... Joy will come. And these evil, painful, and terrible things that are suffered now will only be for a moment, for those who choose to Love the Lord Jesus and accept His Love, the Love He longs to give us (He Loves you). Then joy will be, and all those who give their lives to Jesus to save them from their sin (for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God) and love God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength will be Loved, and we will live with greater joy than imaginable forever. We will be in Heaven with our Savior, Jesus, and our Father, God (Jesus and God are One Person, but Jesus is also God's Son. I think it is kind of like how water is one substance, but has solid, liquid, and vaporous forms, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the same God, but are different "forms") We are already Loved more than we can imagine, all people are Loved, but we must choose to be Saved through Jesus's Blood, for He died for all people, and all are able to be Saved
now. We must accept our Savior wholeheartedly. Through Jesus, and Jesus only, can we have pure joy that lasts forever. Through Jesus, and Jesus only, can we Love God and Love Him. ONLY Jesus can Save us from our sins because we have no power whatsoever against our sin. In order to follow God, we have to accept Jesus so that His Blood, shed for us, can cleanse us from sin and bridge the huge gap between us and God. Jesus is the only One Who can reconcile us to God. Trusting in Jesus, and truly Loving Him is what keeps us from sinning and being far from God. I believe sin is the absence of God, that is why it is so terrible. Because God is Love, God is all things truly good. Without God, there is no comfort, peace, life, joy, hope, faith, truth, harmony, especially no Love, and no things good. God IS Love, and the only reason people go to hell is because they reject Jesus, they reject God, and since God is just, and gives us free will, He removes Himself from any who do not want Him, because they do not want Him. Therefore, that is why people go to hell. I do not believe they are sent there, but hell is the only place where God completely is not. I believe if God removes Himself from someone, because they do not want Him, that's where hell is. I believe that hell is the absolute absence of God. God does NOT want people to go there. He LOVES you! He Loves you more than you can imagine! Accept Him now, for He's here right now, and it is not too late yet. Don't wait until it is too late. Jesus Loves you NOW.