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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Revision of an Old Cereal Box

This is an old Cocoa Puffs cereal box I traced over using Illustrator pen tools, to make it look new. I found this relatively difficult at times, for the pen tool did not seem to want to cooperate. This was mainly on the letters, and odd shapes. I ended up using line tools on the letters, though even those presented some issues. When I would try to add the middle line in "A"s, or the middle line for "E"s, the line would cause part of the letter to disappear. To solve this, I made the lines separate, then moved them to their proper location. I would like to add that, although the letters were difficult to make, my main problem was the colors and the stroke of the pen tool. When I would select a color for the stroke, then one for the main fill, the stroke became transparent. To solve this, I had to try flipping the colors of the stroke and main part, re-select, flip, etc. I did this for almost everything requiring an outline, and I had great difficulty.