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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Weekly Sketch - Light or Dark?

Does the Sun Shine, or the Moon?

When I look at you,
I see the glitter of stars.
When I look at you,
I see the bright sun.
Yet when I look at you,
I see clouds of day.
Yet when I look at you,
I see the bright moon.
Oh bright darkness,
Oh dark light!
Such trouble,
Such strife!
You seem to want to cut my mind
like a knife.
That starry night.
You come in confusion and cause
A turbulent fright.
That starry night.

The poetry above is me trying to make Ekphrastic poetry, which is poetry about a painting that reveals deeper meaning of it (though I don't think I've actually drawn on a deeper meaning). The poetry is saying, basically, that the edited Starry Night is confusing, because it does not appear to be clear that it is night, or day.
In this piece, I edited Starry Night to make it brighter, and cause the colors to be more vibrant. I was originally going to make it a German Starry Night, but Corel Paint would not cooperate when I wanted to add the German coat of arms and national flower. I kept trying to paste it, but it either kept making the picture too big, or would not let me put the file on my blog (I originally saved as a Riff file to save the layers, but it would not let me open it after that).

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